If your child is ill or unable to attend, we ask that you contact the academy on the morning of the absence. You can telephone (01622 751729), text 07860 054135, email info@molehill.latrust.org.uk or message through My Child at School.
The academy will then record the absence. Only the academy can approve the reason for absence, not a parent.
No parent can demand time off for their child to go on a holiday.
From September 2013 the Department for Education has amended the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 removing the Head Teacher’s ability to authorise leave of absence for a family holiday. Requests for holidays in term-time will not be authorised as the Regulations only allow the headteacher to authorise absence (leave) in “exceptional circumstances”.
The School’s Attendance Policy confirms that:
- agreement to each request is at the headteacher’s discretion, acting on behalf of the Governing Body each case will be judged on its merits
- the decision is final leave cannot be authorised retrospectively
If parents need to collect their child/children from the academy during the normal working day, e.g. for medical or dental appointments, it is preferred that the academy can be informed in advance in writing. When they arrive they must call at the academy reception. It is most important that we are aware of all visitors who enter the premises as the safety of the children is our first concern, hence the presence of CCTVs.
Any unauthorised holiday for 5 days or more may incur a penalty notice. New legislation came into force in August 2024. The ‘Every School Day Matters’ poster outlines the changes to Penalty Notices for unauthorised absence.