At Leigh Academy Molehill all home learning is set via Google Classroom. In September all children are added to their new Google Classroom for that academic year. Google Classroom is used regularly within school with the aim for children to be able to independently access their home learning tasks when away from school.
Please see the ‘Parents’ Guide to Google Classroom’ and YouTube video below for support on accessing your child’s Google Classroom at home.
Google Apps
At Molehill we teach the children to use a range of Google tools as part of their computing lessons. Often the home learning tasks children are set via the google classroom will require them to use the following google tools.
If you are accessing your child’s Google classroom via a tablet device we recommend you download these apps to support your child completing their home learning successfully.
Google Slides
Home learning is shared via the Google Classroom as Google slides documents. Google slides is a presentation software (similar to PowerPoint) where children work through different slides to complete their learning. Within each slide there will be links to different reading, watching and recording tasks. In the top corner of each slide you will see the following symbols which represent the type of task children will be asked to complete.
Setting of home learning and feedback
Home learning will be set by teachers each Monday with a return date of the following Monday. Children are able to hand in their learning at any point during the week.
Once home learning is handed in teachers will provide children with feedback, adding comments to children’s completed tasks. This feedback may include asking children to make further improvements to their learning. Teachers will only mark work which is handed in on time. Home learning handed in late will be acknowledged but children will not receive more detailed marking or feedback.
Contacting Teachers
If you require any support accessing your child’s google classroom or have questions related to their home learning please contact teachers via
Internet Safety
Being safe whilst working online is incredibly important and something which is taught regularly within school. The following websites have lots of useful information to help you support your child to stay safe when working online.
The following videos are also great for explaining internet safety to children –